The Joy of Learning

The Joy of Learning

As a fundamental part of early education to enable them to the next step in their academic education with the biggest head start possible.

As a fundamental part of early education to enable them to the next step in their academic education with the biggest head start possible.

Who we are

Here at Monti Kids, we value childhood. We pride ourselves on identifying the needs of children on an individual basis and believe that a traditional, regimental style education can actually hinder a child’s development, depriving them of confidence and creativity. Instead, we believe that important development can emerge not necessarily from just a desk, exercise book and pencil – but a broad range of activities that brings their learning into the real world. We seek to create an environment where the pupil-teacher relationship is built on trust, not fear; a place where the child feels safe enough to develop to their full potential and achieve their own personal objectives.

Here at Monti Kids, we value childhood. We pride ourselves on identifying the needs of children on an individual basis and believe that a traditional, regimental style education can actually hinder a child’s development, depriving them of confidence and creativity. Instead, we believe that important development can emerge not necessarily from just a desk, exercise book and pencil – but a broad range of activities that brings their learning into the real world. We seek to create an environment where the pupil-teacher relationship is built on trust, not fear; a place where the child feels safe enough to develop to their full potential and achieve their own personal objectives.

Who will your child become?

The child’s health and wellbeing is our first priority. We look to develop their emotional vocabulary, self-conceptualisation and nurture the important connection between the mind and the body.  We also see our children become effective communicators, aware of others and cooperate in a positive and socially successful manner. Finally, we ensure children develop a worthwhile relationship with their immediate environment, opportunities to be curious, explore, expressive, persistent, disciplined, creative, and a good observer – to create well rounded individuals.

The child’s health and wellbeing is our first priority. We look to develop their emotional vocabulary, self-conceptualisation and nurture the important connection between the mind and the body.  We also see our children become effective communicators, aware of others and cooperate in a positive and socially successful manner. Finally, we ensure children develop a worthwhile relationship with their immediate environment, opportunities to be curious, explore, expressive, persistent, disciplined, creative, and a good observer – to create well rounded individuals.

We follow a blended Montessori and Early Years Learning Framework preschool curriculum that includes, but is not limited to:

Physical Well-being, Health and Motor Development

Language and Cognitive development:

Development of Creative and Aesthetic Appreciation

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical Well-being, Health and Motor Development

Language and Cognitive development:

Development of Creative and Aesthetic Appreciation

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

What does a day look like at Monti Kids?

Circle time, conversation, and storytelling

Communities communicate through narrative, providing children this skill is incredibly important in their induction into society. Alongside this, circle time promotes community and belonging in which children have a space to build confidence in their own voice and ideas.

Free play

The freedom to experiment and explore has had a proven positive impact on childhood development. At free play, children use their knowledge of materials imaginatively and learn to negotiate, share and take turns.

Guided play

The teacher helps construct the child’s learning through asking open ended questions and providing parameters in which the child can be challenged and explore different solutions.

Creative Activities

 Opportunities to create art foster self-expression and have been proven to be a significant pre-writing skill.  

Role play and dramatisation

By reenacting their own environment, a child builds their memory, solves problems and widens their perspective.

Mathematical thinking and reasoning

Mathematics helps in the child’s study of  seriation, pattern identification and pattern creation, reasoning, problem-solving, forming concepts and building a foundation for logical reasoning.

Scientific Temper and comprehension

Children possess endless curiosity towards the world around them. Through a variety of activities that explore the environment, they can manipulate objects, make predictions, ask questions and develop upon their own generalisations.

Physical Play

The importance of physical activities cannot be underestimated. Children are encouraged to make full use of the outside play area to improve muscle growth and boost their endurance.

Break/Snack time

During this time we encourage the consumption of healthy food and naps. Rest and relaxation promote healthy mental and physical growth and important cognitive restoration.

Teachers and Parents Together

Teachers and Parents Together

We believe in the importance of the teacher-parent partnership and communication. Positive connections between teachers and parents have been proven to improve the child’s education. In order to promote continuity and stability, Monti Kids seeks to involve the parents in every aspect of their education to support their growth at school and at home. In the development of children as individuals, all cultural and socio-religious beliefs are to be respected to ensure the stable maturing of our young minds.

Find Us Here

You don’t know where your child is heading in life – but you know where they’ll start


Plot 163, Rose Garden Road, Mikocheni

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Contact Us

Phone : +255 759 564 117

Email :

Opening hours

Monday- Friday   8:30 – 18:00

Saturday 10:00 – 15:00

Sunday  Closed

Excluding national holidays, three weeks over the summer and two weeks over christmas

Montikids Tanzania @2023